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air right примеры

air right перевод  
  • Before that, Sony had sold the series' airing rights to 105 international territories.
    Ещё до этого компания Sony продала права на показ сериала дистрибьютерам на ста пяти международных территориях.
  • In May 2007, the tower and adjacent air rights were subsequently sold for $200 million to Africa Israel Investments.
    В мае 2007 года башня и права на неё были проданы за $200 млн.
  • Macklowe also offered to buy the air rights only and to give room for her restaurant inside the new tower building, but Stewart-Gordon declined.
    Маклоу предложил купить права на воздух над рестораном, но Стюарт-Гордон опять отказалась.
  • Former Vice President Arsanov went on air right after Basayev and announced that armed formations had been put on alert on the decision of the Shura. Arsanov was quoted as saying that commanders of all five fronts had already received memos with plans of actions "in case of an aggression".
    Всем пяти командующим фронтами, по словам Арсанова, направлены секретные пакеты с планом действий "в случае военной агрессии".